Protecting vulnerable populations
Funding practical action
In 2024, Rendere supported the establishment of a major emerging flagship initiative to reverse the decline of Spot-tailed Quoll in Gippsland, Victoria.
The project (see website) will see populations of the Spot-tailed Quoll monitored and enhanced, not only in Gippsland but ideally statewide and into NSW.

Situational context
The Spot-tailed Quoll is a culturally significant carnivorous marsupial with a historically wide distribution across Victoria. However, the population has declined dramatically over the past 30 years and monitoring suggests numbers continue to decline.
The aim of this project is to identify pathways for Spot-tailed Quoll recovery in East Gippsland, the remaining stronghold of the species. Genetic assessment of captive and wild Spot-tailed Quolls will inform the development of a captive management document and translocation strategy – two fundamental steps required to repopulate Gippsland with quolls.
A cornerstone of this project is our collaborative approach, creating cross-sector, multi-agency and First Nations partnerships to enable an effective project and foster ongoing relationships for future conservation efforts.
Increased species recognition and support will result from community and landholder engagement, while confirmation of shared priorities will provide certainty and foster long-term funding opportunities.
Funding rationale and ongoing involvement
On top of supporting the development of the program, Rendere’s catalytic funding will see the sustained legacy of the initiative in the implementation of the management plan complemented by the community capacity built over the next three years.
Rendere’s support will also pave the way for other philanthropists and businesses to invest.
Photo with thanks to Pierre Pouliquin.