First Nations edition a first for Gippslandia

First Nations Landscapes
26 April 2024

Paying our respects in print

We all want to hear stories and be engaged in conversations about the cultural connection that Traditional Owners have with the lands on which we walk. But it can be hard to find information and/or ask questions that we’re not sure we should be asking.

The editorial team at Gippslandia – a boundary-pushing local newspaper that connects Gippslanders through positive storytelling – have engaged in a deep listening exercise with the Kurnai Traditional Owners to produce a remarkable special edition to coincide with its fifth birthday.

The 60-page publication (Gippslandia #21) took over 12-months to produce and does a fantastic job explaining the history, culture, beliefs and environment of the Gunaikurnai people and their connection to Country. It fully engages with Elders and covers some of the initiatives that they, their children and grandchildren are embarking on now and into the future.

Because the editorial team have gone in with an open heart and mind, they have managed to reveal some vitally-important information on the history and beliefs of the region from a Kurnai  perspective. We particularly benefited from reading about the five major clans that form the Kurnai Nation across the Gippsland region. Great also to see the involvement of our friends at the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation.

Kudos all ’round for a truly remarkable edition.