Celebrating a decade of environmental impact

People power | Place-based conservation
21 April 2024

One person can make a real difference in the world

We want to offer our hearty congratulations to the Nature Glenelg Trust, which recently celebrated its 10th birthday.

The story behind this highly successful not-for-profit, which has grown from a handful of people with complementary skills, is truly remarkable.

The driving force behind the Trust is Mark Bachmann, an ecologist who worked for the South Australian Government for many years, specialising in small mammal ecology.

While at an international conference, Mark had a light bulb moment – that responsibility for protecting and restoring the environment did not rest with government alone; that he could be just as successful and perhaps achieve even more if he brought specialists together in a new science-based environmental organisation.

Initially focused on areas between South Australia and Victoria, the Trust now works across four states, runs a native plant nursery, undertakes threatened species research and recovery projects and has undertaken restoration works at more than 50 wetlands. Supporter funds have also enabled the Trust to purchase several important properties (one of which was profiled in this ABC story).

We look forward to continuing our work with the Trust over the next 10 years and offer our sincere congratulations.

Mark shares the inspiring story behind the establishment of the Nature Glenelg Trust in this compelling 50-minute presentation. Switch Netflix off and immerse yourself in this great story!